Extended Writer-In-Residence programs are available in one or two week time frames.
These programs are intended to enhance and reinforce the classroom experience by providing alternate strategies for young writers who may struggle with the written word.
Division One:
Designed to appeal to younger students, this program combines different aspects of classroom learning in a way that is appealing to children with shorter attention spans, but who have a thirst for discovery. Interactive and with different components, students learn in a way that keeps their attention focused and creative juices flowing!
Division Two, Three and Four:
Each of Jacqueline’s programs is tailored to specific grade levels with projects completed over the course of the Residency. Building on information in each session, students learn how to compose a piece of writing that is both creative and technically correct.
From learning how to incorporate the Five Senses into composition through the use of Indigenous artifacts, to doing factual historical research in creating a Winter Count Hide for their school and area, students’ skills build so they can tackle any Language Arts assignment with confidence.
Through the use of unconventional techniques, Jacqueline strives to reach every student in her class, creating an inclusive learning environment that fosters success. Individual and team work are utilized to ensure no student is left behind.
Please contact Jacqueline for more information.