This presentation is geared for a younger audience who dig dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs! PowerPoint Session:
This is a sixty-minute maximum session which can be shortened to accommodate the ‘wiggle factor’ of students.
This highly visual presentation has lots of scientific dino-facts including when dinosaurs lived, were there humans here, and how birds are descended from dinosaurs. An introduction to the basics of writing a story will start young authors off on the path to ‘writing it right’. Students see an actual Hadrosaur egg, coprolites, (dinosaur dung), fossilized wood, bones, and are shown how facts we know about dinosaurs are based on good guesses.
Jacqueline brings an actual hadrasaur egg and other fossils for the children to experience as well as casts of eggs, posters and models of dinosaurs to show size relation.
The students are given a dino picture to colour and drawing on the information given in the presentation regarding the connection between dinosaurs and birds, they are assured they can choose any colour and their project will be correct.
Extend the session in the classroom with the Dinosaur Writing and Drawing Activity. (Download below.) This is a great way to introduce students to creating and illustrating a story, plus it makes a wonderful project to spotlight the brilliance of the students at Report Card time.
An emphasis on the importance of reading is impressed on students. It is the most important skill they will learn and surprise they are learning that important skill right now! Students are encouraged to go to their teachers, librarians, parents and siblings to help them with their reading skills.
The pace is fast and the interest level high. Guaranteed to make fans!
Curriculum Connections:
Grades K-2, max. 60-Minutes
Power Point presentation for Division One students who dig dinosaurs. Facts and fiction on our long-gone friends! Curriculum Connections: Science and Language Arts
Requirements For Presentation
PPT projector and screen or Smart Board and a lectern. Power cables would be an asset.
Approximately ten minutes required for set up and tear down. If linking to school’s audio-visual set up, please allow a few minutes more.
One rectangular table required for props.
Dino Hand Out Print Full Size Handouts for All the Students Attending
Dinosaur-Writing-and-Drawing-Activity Downloadable File
Teacher’s Guide Downloadable File
Dinosaur Colouring Page Downloadable File